Continue your persistence for success
Sometimes in life, one can do all the necessary things for success but still wallow in poverty and deprivation. Continue your persistence but sometimes you may need to do some modifications,
You may try DAAD scholarship
Since Europe is one of the destinations for the acquisition of academic knowledge, one may need some financial support to survive during the period of studies. One of the prominent sources of funding for your proposed education is the DAAD scholarship.
Stealing is not good for you
A child of God does not need to steal from people in order to survive. From the scripture above, every child of God has the ability to create wealth and live fulfilled lives on this earth. Indeed, stealing is not good for you.
Poverty is not a prerequisite to Heaven
Poverty is not a prerequisite to Heaven. The only prerequisite to Heaven is accepting Jesus as one’s personal savior and being obedient to Him. Many other factors may be responsible for poverty.