We are serving an eternal God
We are serving an eternal God who cares dearly for His children. The eternal nature of God is clearly portrayed in the scriptures and in this article, we are going to briefly explain a few scriptures that talks about the eternal nature of God.
“Before Abraham was, I AM…” (John 8:58). The natural statement to expect may read like “before Abraham was, I was…” but our Father categorically says “I AM…” He does not mince words at all. He existed before Abraham came on the scene and even before the universe was created. Therefore as His children, we must also strive to be choosy in the use of words.
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God…” (John 1:1). There was a beginning and before this beginning was God. God actually began the beginning. Praise God!
“….I am the first and I am the last….” (Isaiah 44:6). “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending….” (Revelation 1:8). Our Father existed before any other thing came to being. He is the most experienced person in this universe therefore the first person to be consulted for answers to the challenges of this world.
“….the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity…..”Isaiah 57:15. Being Spirit, our Father lives forever. Not only does He live forever, He inhabits or occupies forever. What a Father we serve!
“…the eternal God is our refuge…..”(Deuteronomy 33:27). Since we are serving an eternal God, He knows everything and provides refuge to His children. Refuge means protection, shelter or haven. Therefore, we can never be disadvantaged.
Being eternal means that He is not limited by time in anyway. We can be confident of trusting a God who is not limited by time. With this characteristic of God, man is assured of eternal life. This eternal life is gained by accepting Jesus as Lord and personal savior.