The Father cares for His own 2

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; He shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel (Genesis 3:15).
The disobedience of man in the Garden of Eden led to a fall resulting in the alteration of many things in the life of the human race. After the sin of the first couple, they resorted to hiding from the presence of God. On the contrary, the Father sought after them in order to restore the broken relationship.
The Father said to the tempter (Satan) concerning the seed of the woman: ‘He shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel’. The seed of the woman was Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross for the atonement of man’s sin.
The objective of the devil was to make man miserable and separated from the Father but the Father’s objective was to make man very happy and build a long lasting relationship with man.
Now, the only available solution to restore the broken relationship between man and the Father is through Jesus Christ. Through faith, confessing Jesus Christ as personal savior restores the broken relationship between a person and the Father. This appears too simple to be true but this is the truth as stated in the Bible.
The saved man can then enjoy the riches of the Father through the Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
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