Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses (1 Timothy 6:12). What is the fight of faith? This is a critical question for every child of God. In some part of the world, this scripture has been interpreted wrongly to mean that children of God have to carry whipping canes to church and whip the devil and other demons out of their lives. So during prayer, the whipping canes are used to whip the air followed by many incantations and it is presupposed that whatever spirit(s) was responsible for their retrogression was cast out. A lot of other ‘gymnastics’ are done by children of God as a result of this scripture and it is even worst in some parts of Africa.
The fight of faith is speaking in concert the specific word of God to specific situations in faith. Usually the challenge of the christian is the lack of knowledge (that is, lack of the word of God in us). The good book says that ‘my people perish because of lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge of the word of God always gives us the upper hand in the face of staggering opposition. A few examples of the fight of faith are as follows: if your body is giving you the signal of sickness, you tell your body that ‘body, I love you so much; you are the temple of God therefore sickness cannot cohabit with the presence of God-therefore I cast the sickness out of this body’. If your mind is telling you that you are insignificant, you tell your body that ‘ body, you are the light of the world and therefore you are very relevant in the affairs of this world’.
The fight of faith can be applied to medical conditions that doctors have done all that they can to resolve but have not succeeded in resolving. That is not to rule out the importance of medicine but to state that where medicine has declared that a condition cannot be resolved, the word of God can resolve including terminal medical conditions. The child of God is a superman! Let us see ourselves in that light and help the world to progress. God’s word is still potent and able to do so much for us. It is our responsibility to see ourselves in the light of God’s word and always enjoy victory.
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