| December 12, 2013

ID-100180478Gen 8:22. While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Investment is a characteristic of every human being especially the child of God. What is important about investment is that, there are always specific times for seed sowing (investment) but when it comes to harvesting or reaping the yield of our investment, it is not time specific compared to seed sowing (investment). Harvesting is a continuous process.

What to invest in is also very important. Beyond investment market predictions on the internet and in books, which are very important, we also need to contact our inner spirit to lead us to identify the right sector to invest in. It is also important to have some knowledge on the areas of interest for investment. Though important, the initial capital is not enough to start the investment. If you have the initial capital, read to broaden your horizon on possible areas of investment and also talk to the experts for advise. When you have finished all the readings, consultations and have narrowed down to some few possible areas of promising investment area(s), then you can now contact your spirit through faith in the Holy Spirit to make a final choice.

How do you know that a particular option is the best to pick and invest in? This is where prayer in other tongues becomes important. Praying in tongues builds you up and makes you sensitive to receiving from the Holy Spirit. Getting acquainted with the word of God is also necessary for us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. The right area(s) of investment to choose will drop into your spirit and will be characterized by peace in your spirit. Sometimes, you can make a choice but as you continue praying, it appears as if ‘something’ is holding or pushing back your prayer. In your spirit, you will feel uneasy and this is where you need to re-examine your intended choice. Sometimes too, because you don’t have enough information about the area of investment, you will feel inadequate and uneasy though that area(s) may be the choice of the Holy Spirit for you.

All said and done, the right choice comes with the peace of God and confirmation from the Holy spirit. By confirmation, you may have a dream about the selected choice; a friend or your wife or husband may mention it to you when in actual sense, that was not the focus of your conversation.  To conclude, time in itself is seed for every human being. What you do with your time is an investment. Let us always use our time wisely and make impact on the world around us. Remember, you can only enjoy a harvest after investment.

Image courtesy of Gualberto107/


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