Because God has deposited treasure(s) or potential(s) in us, it is our responsibility to develop and bless the world with it. These potentials have always been in us. This is likened to a baby born on the first day. That baby may weigh about 3kg on the first day and look fragile and helpless. The baby has the potential to grow bigger and weigh more than 3kg; the baby has the potential to walk like any other normal human being after sometime; the baby has the potential to talk and function in many other areas of human endeavour. Like a baby with several potentials, the christian also has so much within which need to be discovered and developed.
To discover these potentials within us, we need the word of God. The word of God reveals to us who we truly are. Science has discovered many potentials of man but there are still more potentials in man that science has not discovered yet. It takes the word of God to make further discoveries regarding the potentials of man. For instance, the spirit nature of man came to light through the Gospel. Other potentials are that: we are the light of the world, meaning that, we are leaders in the world; we are doers of the word, meaning that, we don’t have difficulty in obeying what God has said in His word; we are able to heal terminal diseases that science has given up on etc.
God Almighty has finished His part of the ‘contract’, so it is your responsibility to produce results and let the world benefit from your treasure(s). This is the meaning of Matthew 5: 16 (Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven). A normal baby of age should be able to walk effortless because that ability or potential is already there. It is up to the baby to make a few attempts at walking for the first time with the assistance of an aid. The Holy Spirit, through God’s word, helps us to discover the treasure(s) God has deposited in us and to help us to demonstrate those treasure(s). Continuous fellowship with the Holy Spirit is key to enabling us live and shine as light in this world. Can you imagine how the world will be like if every christian discovers who they are and act accordingly? This is the truth in God’s word.
Image courtesy of Samarttiw/FreeDigitalPhotos.net